Updated Statewide Training Opportunities
Just a quick update with late breaking training information.
1) PIO training. Great news, we were able to squeeze in another PIO training course Dec 16-18 in Goodyear. See the attached for information about the online prerequisite and how to register for this free training.
2) 2025 Arizona First Responder PIO Roundtable . .space still available. DPS is proud to announce the second annual Arizona First Responder PIO Roundtable on January 23, 2025 from 8:00 - 4:00 at 2222 W. Encanto Blvd., Phoenix. PIOs and supervisors of PIOs from law enforcement agencies (from all levels - local, county, state, and federal), military, fire departments, and prosecutor offices. This training will feature a morning session from the same speaker as last year, Steve Gregory, and an afternoon revolving around case studies and the lessons learned from those experiences as well as group conversation about what PIOs are currently seeing, changes PIOs have had to make recently, and trends PIOs are seeing right now. Lunch will be included and space is limited. To register for this free event, please email AZDPS Public Information Supervisor, Sgt. Eric Andrews, at eandrews@azdps.gov.
3) PIO networking. Many parts of the state have regional PIO groups. Fantastic opportunity to connect with PIOs in your area who might be a great resource (or at least a good listener) for some regional issues.
If you are in these areas, reach out to the PIO leads in your area to get connected;
Tucson Public Sector Communicators: James Allerton, jallerton@flytucson.com
Cochise County area; (Carol Capas, ccapas@cochise.az.gov; Grady Butler, gbutler@cochise.az.gov)
Yavapai County (John Heiney, john.heiney@prescott-az.gov; Sarah Townsley; Sarah.Townsley@yavapaiaz.gov )
Tri-state (AZ, NV,CA) area (Lance Ross, lross@crsk12.org);
Yuma area (Tony Badilla, tony.badilla@yumacountyaz.gov)
East Valley PIOs (Brenda Carrasco, Brenda.carrasco@gilbertaz.gov)
West Valley Law Enforcement PIOs . . .who is leading now?
If you have a group in your area, please let me know. I love to get out and join the regional meetings when my schedule permits.
4) PIO Contact list. Attached is the updated statewide PIO contact list. The list is divided into multiple tabs representing jurisdictional levels (city, county, federal, state and tribes) and specialties (law enforcement, fire, schools, utilities, etc).
The PIO list is a great resource because you help keep it accurate. If you have any edits to the list please reply to this email. If you know of someone that should be added to the list, have them contact me. Send me your agency social media information if you would like it included.
5) Facebook group (Arizona PIOs). The Arizona Information Officers Association maintains a Facebook PIO group (Arizona PIOs) to find the latest job openings, professional development opportunities and share your knowledge with peers looking for advice on best practices. This is a closed group, you need to be part of the statewide PIO list to join. If interested, send a friend request and if you are joining under a different name please inform Heather Murphy, heather.murphy@phoenix.gov, or Tamra Ingersoll, tingersollaz@arizona.edu.
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