48th Annual Arizona State Fire School September 8-12, 2021



September 8 – 12, 2021


Arizona Fire Service personnel, it’s that time of year!


The Arizona State Fire School is back and REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!


This year marks the 48th Annual Arizona State Fire School, which provides over 35 educational sessions from Basic Skills Training, Fire Prevention & Investigation, to Fire Leadership and is one of the best training experiences available at any venue in Arizona.




The Arizona Center for Fire Service Excellence (AzCFSE) currently uses a database referred to as AzSTARS, which is used to track student records and course attendance. You will need an AzSTARS EIN number to register for Fire School courses. For those students with a number from our previous database (ERMA), you will continue to use that number to register for the State Fire School. If you do not know your EIN number from either the previous ERMA system or the current AzSTARS system, you will need to obtain one prior to registering for Fire School.

If you do not know your EIN number, please email the following information to: melina.joya@azcfse.org  

1)  Attendee Full Name (including middle name or middle initial)

2)  Department/Agency

3)  Attendee Email Address



Arizona State Fire School information and registration are available at: 




We encourage you to register early, as classes fill quickly!



Hope to see you there!


Arizona State Fire Training Committee




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