Updated statewide PIO contact list and training information
1) Plain Language Training. In case you missed it, here is a link to Accessible Communication Plain Language Training,
2) Public Information Basics. We have a couple offerings of the Public Information Basics course coming up. The class next week is full, the one is Gilbert (Sept 9-11) has openings and we expect one will be added Oct 22-24 in Prescott (not in the system yet). See the attached training document for the details.
3) PIO networking. Some extra love today for the regional PIO meetings and those that coordinate them. Fantastic opportunity to connect with PIOs in your area who might be a great resource (or at least a good listener) for some regional issues. The next Tucson Public Sector Communicators meeting is August 6th, reach out to James Allerton for details, jallerton@flytucson.com
If your are in these areas, reach out to the PIO leads in your area to get connected;
Cochise County area; (Carol Capas, ccapas@cochise.az.gov; Grady Butler, gbutler@cochise.az.gov)
Prescott Area (John Heiney, john.heiney@prescott-az.gov);
Tri-state (AZ, NV,CA) area (Lance Ross, lross@crsk12.org);
Yuma area (Tony Badilla, tony.badilla@yumacountyaz.gov)
East Valley PIOs (Brenda Carrasco, Brenda.carrasco@gilbertaz.gov)
West Valley Law Enforcement PIOs . . .who is leading now?
If you have a group in your area, please let me know. I love to get out and join the regional meetings when my schedule permits.
4) PIO Contact list. Thanks for taking the time to review your contact information on the attached to make sure it is current (and I have been known to make typos). The list is divided into multiple tabs representing jurisdictional levels (city, county, federal, state and tribes) and specialties (law enforcement, fire, schools, utilities, etc).
The PIO list is a great resource because you help keep it accurate. If you have any edits to the list please reply to this email. If you know of someone that should be added to the list, have them contact me. Send me your agency social media information if you would like it included.
5) Facebook group (Arizona PIOs). The Arizona Information Officers Association maintains a Facebook PIO group (Arizona PIOs) to find the latest job openings, professional development opportunities and share your knowledge with peers looking for advice on best practices. This is a closed group, you need to be part of the statewide PIO list to join. If interested, send a friend request and if you are joining under a different name please inform Heather Murphy, heather.murphy@phoenix.gov, or Tamra Ingersoll, tingersollaz@arizona.edu
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