Statewide PIO Contact List and Training Information
1) PIO training. We have a little lull in the FEMA PIO training offerings. I did find free virtual training to strengthen partners’ preparedness, response, and crisis management to address potential radiological and nuclear incidents and threats. See attached PDF, and register here
2) Monsoon Awareness Week. June 11-17 is Monsoon Awareness Week, an annual campaign with multiple agencies to highlight some issues Arizonans will face throughout the monsoon (check out this website). Help us spread the word by sharing social media content from the National Weather Service, ADOT, ADEQ, DPS, ADHS, and AzEIN throughout next week.
3) PIO Contact list. Attached is the updated statewide PIO contact list. The list is divided into multiple tabs representing jurisdictional levels (city, county, federal, state and tribes) and specialties (law enforcement, fire, schools, utilities, etc).
The PIO list is a great resource because you help keep it accurate. If you have any edits to the list please reply to this email. If you know of someone that should be added to the list, have them contact me. Send me your agency social media information if you would like it included.
4) Facebook group (Arizona PIOs). The Arizona Information Officers Association maintains a Facebook PIO group (Arizona PIOs) to find the latest job openings, professional development opportunities and share your knowledge with peers looking for advice on best practices. This is a closed group, you need to be part of the statewide PIO list to join. If interested, send a friend request and if you are joining under a different name please inform Heather Murphy,, or Tamra Ingersoll,
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