National Fire Academy (NFA) Direct Delivery Workshops

We have the opportunity to schedule up to nine 2-day National Fire Academy (NFA) Direct Delivery Workshops in the state during the period of October 2022 - September 2023.  Departments may request one 2-day class, and up to two alternate 2-day classes (in order of preference).  To ensure we meet the deadline, return all the requested information listed below by Thursday, March 24th.  


Since most regions will only get one class due to the limited number, please coordinate with other departments in your area and submit one request for your region of the state


Weight will be given to those requests that are turned in earlier.  Once we hit the statewide cap of 9 classes, we may not be able to request any additional 2-day direct delivery classes until next year.


We may also be able to host one 6-day class in the state, between January 2023 and September 2023.  The selection process for 6-day classes will be coordinated with the regional TRADE representative.  Each regional coordinator may request one 6-day class from the attached list in addition to the 2 day classes requested. 


Keep in mind that there are very limited opportunities for 6-day classes in a multi-state region, so it is very likely that a maximum of only one 6-day class will be selected for the state. 


A list of available 2-day courses and 6-day courses is attached for your review.


The host department will be responsible for providing a suitable classroom that can comfortably accommodate up to 30 people, with appropriate audio visual support, in addition to handling registration for their class. The NFA will cover program material and instructor costs. 


There will be a $25 AzCFSE per student registration fee.  An AzCFSE state Certificate of Completion will be provided, as well as a record in our online database (AZSTARS)- see attached checklists for more information.  The fee will help defer administrative costs to AZCFSE for coordinating classes with NFA, as well as help to cover instructor travel costs (i.e. rental car expenses and fuel) since AZCFSE is responsible for those costs and is not reimbursed by NFA.  The fee should be mailed to AzCFSE along with the AzCFSE final roster, after class completion.   The mailing address is listed on the roster form.


The AZCFSE roster form for workshops can be found on our website at


See the attached checklists which lists host responsibilities and the registration process- please review it to be sure your department is able to meet the listed responsibilities for hosting.


To request an NFA Direct Delivery class the attached “Create CCP…” document must be completed and returned by Thur, March 24th, via email attachment. 


Priority will be given to requests which have all boxes on the CCP (not marked optional) completely filled out and returned electronically (do not complete by hand and scan). 


If you are turning in requests for more than one department/location, a separate CCP must be completed for each one. 


The NFA is requesting that you avoid scheduling classes on holiday weekends since that hinders class enrollment.


Classes will be scheduled around the state to ensure  good regional distribution.  All classes must be open to qualified enrollees from within Arizona.  Enrollees from outside the state may be enrolled provided there is adequate space available.


Let me know if you have any questions.





Jeff Johnston

Certification Coordinator



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