Fabtic Newsletter: July 2021

 Dear colleagues,

 There’s lots to report in this 32nd edition of the fabtic newsletter, including:


  • Supervision for staff in the wake of COVID-19;
  • Firehawks – a new and innovative research project about children who set fires;
  • ‘Talking About Self-Harm and Firesetting: Holding Sensitive Conversations’ – a two-day training course taking place in October 2021;
  • How to access the recordings of two firesetting webinars hosted by ACAMH.


As ever, the newsletter is designed to be read on screen and so please forward this latest issue to colleagues and contacts wherever helpful.


With all good wishes for a restful and recharging summer,



See my work featured in the Financial Times ‘I stop children setting fires’

Joanna Foster  BA (Hons) Oxon, PGC

Managing Director

Working with children and families, specialising in firesetting behaviour

W: www.fabtic.co.uk  E: jfoster@fabtic.co.uk  T: +44 (0)20 7249 0652  M: +44 (0)7980 133 353  Twitter @fabtic_ltd


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