Updated Statewide PIO Contact List and More!
1) AIOA's next virtual meeting is coming up! The next Arizona Information Officers Association’s virtual meeting will be held in August. We'll follow up soon with more details. In the meantime, if you haven't already, we encourage you to join the AIOA Facebook group . Contact Anne Ackroyd at aackroyd@azgfd.gov with any questions. 2) National WEA and EAS test on Aug 11. FEMA and the FCC will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) on Aug 11 at 11:20 am. Here is some information about the test and a short video to share on social. What does it mean to you? For those that have opted to receive alerts on their phone . .the wireless alert will sound at 11:20. Even though the cell phone will say “This is a test . . .” the multiple cell phones sounding may startle the public. Just want you to be in the know. ...