Reach more People with COVID Announcements

 Facebook is excited to announce that our free COVID Announcement feature is now available to State and Local Health Department Facebook pages, as well as municipal government pages.

When you mark posts as COVID Announcements, we greatly amplify their reach so that people living in your community are much more likely to see them. We send notifications to people living in the affected area (not just people following your page), and we also show that information on the COVID-19 Information Center.

What is a COVID Announcement and why should I use it?
COVID Announcement is a new option within the Local Alerts tool – a free tool that allows Pages to broadcast essential updates to people in their community by marking a Page post as a Local Alert. While other Local Alerts send notifications to just your Page followers, COVID Announcements have greatly amplified reach because notifications are also sent to other people who live in the affected area but don’t follow your Page. This helps distribute important and urgent updates related to COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccination efforts to everyone in your community rather than only Page followers.

How can I mark a post as a COVID Announcement?
You can mark a post as a COVID Announcement in 3 quick steps on a desktop computer (currently unavailable on mobile):

  1. Open the post composer from your Facebook Page
  2. Select the Local Alert option under the “Add to Your Post” section
  3. Select the COVID-19 Announcement option as the alert type

If you have never previously used the Local Alerts tool, an admin for your Page will need to view the instructions on a desktop computer before you can send your first Local Alert. You will be prompted to go through a short tutorial and once complete, you will have the option to post any Local Alert type, including a COVID Announcement.


If you don’t see this option available on desktop, you will first need to apply for the local alerts tool here. Once you are granted access, you will be able to post this type of alert.

For more information, you can view a full guide to using COVID Announcements here. Reaching your community with important updates on COVID-19 and vaccination efforts is critical, and it’s our hope that COVID Announcements can help you with these efforts.





Carlin Daharsh

U.S. Politics & Government Outreach



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