48th Annual ARIZONA STATE FIRE SCHOOL September 8 – 12, 2021 Arizona Fire Service personnel, it’s that time of year! The Arizona State Fire School is back and REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!! This year marks the 48th Annual Arizona State Fire School , which provides over 35 educational sessions from Basic Skills Training, Fire Prevention & Investigation, to Fire Leadership and is one of the best training experiences available at any venue in Arizona. FYI – IMPORTANT DATA UPDATE The Arizona Center for Fire Service Excellence (AzCFSE) currently uses a database referred to as AzSTARS, which is used to track student records and course attendance. You will need an AzSTARS EIN number to register for Fire School courses. For those students with a number from our previous database (ERMA), you will continue to use that number to register for the State Fire School. If you do not know your EIN number from either the previous ERMA sy...
Just a quick note to share the latest contact list and training information. 1) 2025 Arizona First Responder PIO Roundtable. DPS is proud to announce the second annual Arizona First Responder PIO Roundtable on January 23, 2025 from 8:00 - 4:00 at 2222 W. Encanto Blvd., Phoenix. PIOs and supervisors of PIOs from law enforcement agencies (from all levels - local, county, state, and federal), military, fire departments, and prosecutor offices. This training will feature a morning session from the same speaker as last year, Steve Gregory, and an afternoon revolving around case studies and the lessons learned from those experiences as well as group conversation about what PIOs are currently seeing, changes PIOs have had to make recently, and trends PIOs are seeing right now. Lunch will be included and space is limited. To register for this free event, please email AZDPS Public Information Supervisor, Sgt. Eric Andrews, at ea...
Ideas for Fire Prevention Week This year, Fire Prevention Week (FPW) is October 3-9. “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety™” focuses on recognizing the different sounds safety devices make when there is a fire or carbon monoxide hazard. Knowing the unique noises, the alarm makes – beeping or chirping – means it is time to act. Use USFA’s free resources to help you plan for your celebrations. If FPW has snuck up on you this year, there is still time to spread the word about fire safety. Deliver home fire escape plan grids or home fire safety checklists to area restaurants. They can include them with their food deliveries. Create a Facebook Live event. A firefighter can walk children through one of Sesame Street’s fire safety lessons or read one of Sparky’s stories . Provide coloring sheets and Let’s Have Fun with Fire Safety to your local schools.
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