Wellness Trainings | 100 Club

Hello 100 Club Partner.


Thank you for your interest in 100 Club training opportunities! Here is a reminder of a few things we have going on…


1st Responder Conferences is coming to Mesa, Arizona May 6-7. Please click here for conference details. 100 Club has a limited number of scholarships available on a first come first serve basis. To apply for a scholarship, please visit www.100club.org/wellnesstrainings. This is NOT a 100 Club sponsored training and there is a COST associated.


Peer Support Teammate & Team Leader Certification! These are being sponsored by 100 Club and facilitated on the Academy Hour online platform. See the attached flier for details about both certification programs. Space is very limited so register today at www.100club.org/wellnesstrainings. NO COST & AZPOST Approved


Upcoming Virtual 3-Day Trainings! We have a couple virtual trainings available including a 3-Day Virtual CISM and 3-Day FBINAA Resiliency. Please see information attached and register at www.100club.org/wellnesstrainings. NO COST & AZPOST Approved


In-person Work Life Balance Workshop! Next week, we are hosting Dr. Donnie Hutchinson for an in-person workshop that will be held this Monday, April 26th at Tucson Fire Department. For more information, visit www.100club.org/wellnesstrainings. NO COST & AZPOST Approved


More Wellness Webinars Added! You will find course descriptions and registration details in the attached flier and at www.100club.org/wellnesstrainings. NO COST & AZPOST Approved


FREE Online AZPOST Approved Courses! This online offering allows you & your personnel to participate in first responder mental health courses at their own pace. These courses are no-cost and AZPOST approved. Click here to check out the online courses!


Check out more AZPOST approved training opportunities at www.100club.org/wellnesstrainings and don’t forget about our Wellness Webinar Archive that is now active! You can check out the archive by scrolling down on the webpage to find the link.


Feel free to share with your personnel and others who may be interested!


Stay safe & well,



Iva Rody, M.A.

Programs Manager


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