
Showing posts from June, 2023

Communications Tool: Plain Language for Public Health

Posted February 09, 2023 on Public Health Communications Collaborative   Effective public health communications are critical to help people stay informed and make decisions about their health. When accurate information about public health is hard to find or understand, it’s easier for false and misleading information to circulate. Using plain language can help your audience find what they need and understand what they find. The Public Health Communications Collaborative has created a new Plain Language for Public Health guide to support public health communicators in creating messaging to advance health literacy, build trust in your organization as a source of information, and promote overall community health. In this guide, you’ll find plain language principles, simple techniques that can make your communications more accessible, and resources to learn more about plain language to help build your communications skills. Download the Plain Language for Public Health guide .

Prevention Activities in U.S. Fire Departments Results and Recommendations from a National Survey

  Just released from our partners at Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy. Check out the executive summary and download the full report here ---> resources/prevention- activities-in-us-fire- departments-national-survey/

Statewide PIO Contact List and Training Information

  1) PIO training.   We have a little lull in the FEMA PIO training offerings.  I did find free virtual training  to strengthen partners’ preparedness, response, and crisis management to address potential radiological and nuclear incidents and threats.  See attached PDF, and register  here   2) Monsoon Awareness Week.   June 11-17 is Monsoon Awareness Week, an annual campaign with multiple agencies  to highlight some issues Arizonans will face throughout the monsoon (check out this   website ). Help us spread the word  by sharing social media content from the National Weather Service, ADOT, ADEQ, DPS,  ADHS, and AzEIN throughout next week.   3)  PIO Contact list.   Attached is the updated statewide PIO contact list.  The list is divided into multiple tabs representing jurisdictional levels (city, county, federal, state and tribes) and specialties (law enforcement, fire, schools, utilities, etc).    The PIO list is a great resource because  you  help keep it accurate.  If you have any e

Myths of Leadership in the Fire Services

  Myths of Leadership in the Fire Service This week's  Fire   Leadership Tip  is the first in a series of eight videos (sent over the next eight weeks) introducing the Myths of Fire Leadership.  Not understanding these myths drives a lot of the negativity on the floor.  Can you forward this on to your Officers?  Often as a Line Officer or Shift Commander we have a misperception of leadership based on our limited perspective. This series will help you see your role differently. Please share this with your floor and drive the discussion.  Click here  to watch this 5-minute video. Click here  to provide some feedback on this week's tip. I'd also like to share with you your strengths and weaknesses as a Chief. Please  click here  to take a brief leadership/communication survey. And/or forward this to your Officers and encourage them to take the survey as well.  In your service,  Warmest, James Rowan Fire Leadership Coach 480-800-9794 P.S. Here are some of my favorite quote on l

NFPA Updates

NFPA Updates from today, for distribution to everyone:   2 recent NFPA reports on Poverty & Fire Risk, available for free download: Research/Data-research-and- tools/US-Fire-Problem/Poverty- and-the-risk-of-fire   Article in NFPA Journal 2023 Spring Edition, about Homelessness and Fire Risk (article starts on Page 20): nxtbooks/nfpa/journal_ 2023spring/index.php#/p/Cover1   Steps to Safety now available! Education/Teaching-tools/ Steps-to-Safety   NFPA Conference & Expo  - FREE Expo Pass available! conference   The new NFPA 1030 (2024 Edition), Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Prevention Program Positions is available. This new consolidated standard combines the previous NFPA 1031, NFPA 1035, and NFPA 1037 into one new standard, as part of the NFPA Consolidation Project. Here is information about the Consolidation Project: Here