ISFSI/FSRI Course Promo: Evidence-Based Structural Firefighting
While training specific for firefighters may not be a direct resource for public fire safety, the better trained firefighters are, the better protection for the community, right? For that reason, I am thankful for the opportunity to share the announcement below from the FSRI team in hopes that you may share this news with your department’s training officer. Today, FSRI has partnered with the International Society of Fire Service Instructors to announce our latest collaboration – a new online course titled, “Evidence-Based Structural Firefighting.” This training addresses fire control within a structure by establishing a basic understanding of fire science and fire dynamics and highlights takeaways from NFPA 1700, Guide for Structural Firefighting. Released in 2021, this keystone document brings together the science, knowledge, and experience of firefighting. Please see the attached announcement release for additional details to share with your organization/stakeh...