Teaching Through Asking Rather Than Telling
Week of July 19, 2023 Your newsletter is personalized. We found 5 stories that match your interests this week. Teaching Through Asking Rather Than Telling High school teachers can promote active learning by strategically replacing some direct instruction with questions that produce thoughtful conversations. 9-12 High School Celebrating Student Interests to Create a Positive High School Culture Events that center students’ picks in art, music, and food can create powerful opportunities for them to increase their sense of belonging. 9-12 High School NEW What's Your Educational Role? Tell us your educational role and get game-changing insights from your peers across the country. Update your account Creating a Sense of Community in High School From Day 1 At the beginning of the year, using class time for team building can help ninth graders with the transition to high school. 9-12 High School Combining Career and Technical Education With World Language Instruction Tailoring world lan...