
Showing posts from December, 2021

NFPA Webinars

  Register for these upcoming events or watch any of our archived webinars free on demand. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . NFPA ®  (National Fire Protection Association) 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, Massachusetts USA 02169-7471 Telephone: +1 617 770-3000  |  Fax: +1 617 770-3000

Holiday Safety: Christmas Tree Edition

  Holiday Safety: Christmas Tree Edition By Emergency Care Blog Team, December 21, 2021 Although Christmas tree fires aren’t common, they can grow very fast and cause significant human and property damage. Read more »

T'was the Night Before Christmas

  T'was the night before Christmas, And all through the house,   Everyone was sleeping, even the mouse.   When all of a sudden, there appeared some light smoke,   Then the smoke alarm sounded and everyone woke   Off in the distance, a fire began to grow   When all of a sudden, it started to slow,   Then what to my wondering eyes did appear?   A group of firefighters, in full turnout gear!   And I heard one exclaim to the others with a shout   "THIS HOME HAS SPRINKLERS, THE FIRE IS OUT!   As they drove away, they were all full of cheer,   Knowing that fire sprinklers work every day of the year!

Winter Fire Safety Resources

  Greetings Fire & Life Safety and Injury Prevention Education Colleagues,   It’s that time again for the Public Education Division at NFPA to partner with the US Fire Administration in our annual  Put a Freeze on Winter Fires  campaign running now through February. Please see information with links to resources that you can use in your efforts.  A few additional items:   Be sure to tag USFA and NFPA when using the Put A Freeze materials Use #wintersafety in your posts In addition, feel free to use the resources and social media assets from our  Winter Holidays Page  and  keep up with the latest from NFPA and Sparky the Fire Dog on  Facebook  ,    Twitter  and  Instagram Thank you for all you do to keep your communities safe and healthy! Put a Freeze on Winter Fires The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) are once again teaming up to promote winter fire safety through their campaign, “Put a Freeze on Winter Fires.” The goal of the cam