Putting on the White Shirt
Putting on the White Shirt November 2021 Chief Kathy Clay Great article by Battalion Chief Kathy Clay from Jackson Hole Reposted from the International Fire Chiefs Association This month, I celebrated my tenth year wearing a white shirt as Battalion Chief Fire Marshal for Jackson Hole Fire/EMS. I came into the job clueless as I look back now. Someone above me trusted that I could figure out all the things I needed to know and that I would be compelled to keep those underneath me safe from the many risks we would all face together over the years. That first day, proud and shiny, decked out in my white, cleanly pressed chief's shirt, I finished up a quick breakfast and grabbed the spent coffee grounds from the coffee pot. As I pulled the grounds out of the pot and banged them against the compost container, a few grounds splattered onto my shirt. I looked down, horrified, and realized at that moment why chiefs are given a white shirt. Quickly, the coffee grounds w...